Monday, November 26, 2012

the flooding in the sports turf

Please describe the weeds mainly due to (1) the flooding in the sports turf, lawn planting preparation is not sufficient. Such as improper choice of location, can not give full play to the advantage of the dominant species; no pre-weeding measures; stones and other debris such as the lawn grass planting layer. Countermeasures: .................. (2) turf establishment or improper conservation measures. If no or less conventional trim; improper fertilization and irrigation; artificial weeding proportion; chemical weed control measures no less. Countermeasures: .................. 4, sports turf after used for some time, will occur many problems. Such as large tracts of bald bare patches, and even the main lawn deserted? Common reasons: Lawn selection mistakes; lawn low-lying stagnant water, waterlogging, poor drainage; barren soil, strong acid or alkaline; irrigation too much, too low mowing lawns excessive use, pest, frost, drought damage; depressed severe soil compaction; lot of weeds invade damage; thick thatch layer; poor soil physical properties, poor ventilation; woods shade, sun.

Solve the above problem, in addition to improving the infrastructure of sports turf soil, water and fertilizer management, weed control and pest, can be used on the local lawn minor surgery to repair perforated ventilation to remove thatch repair bald bare patches, so that restore the growth potential to become a quality lawn. If the lawn bald bare area, unable to restore growth and vitality, or weed cover more than 50%, has lost its value in use, it is necessary in accordance with purpose and funding conditions to measure whether or not to pursue a comprehensive renovation.

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