Thursday, May 23, 2013

Of course, a good soccer grass varieties not only to good, but also the need to conserve.

Of course, a good soccer grass varieties not only to good, but also the need to conserve. Because in addition to tearing, stampede, running back and forth in the compression of the ground will largely affect soccer grass growth. In soil compaction, root only in the 0 to 5 cm of shallow soils, but usually should be 10 cm below the soil layer number will be dropped roots work, which would seriously affect the soccer grass for water and nutrients absorption, thereby affecting the growth. This is why the frontier closed area, soccer grass more often the cause baldness.

Stadium grass was hard, harder to keep up, so the development and application of sound artificial soccer grass growing. It is said that some of the synthetic soccer grass fiber has natural soccer grass catch the quality of it. Unfortunately, in a lifeless green plastic play ground for the power and beauty of the interpretation will not play some discount it?

For trampling resistance soccer grass cultivation, not only for court services, they can also do some roadside greenery in part. Often stepped on the soccer grass, always think of that story --- Disneyland difficult to bad road planning a gang designer, when a person whim, garden sow soccer grass, then open; few months later, clear written on the road on a soccer grass. --- If the grass, first consider what everyone's convenience, is not like the sport would not have planted grass field so resistant to trampling of it?

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